Prevention Professional of the Year 2021 Award Information
International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium
Prevention Professional of the Year
2021 Award Information
Substance abuse prevention is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time, and its success depends on a workforce of qualified professionals trained in evidence-based practices.
Prevention professionals are working all over the world – partnering with parents, community groups, coalitions, faith-based organizations, health care professionals, law enforcement, businesses, and educators – to make a difference in their communities.
Among them are the professionals who go above and beyond, truly standing out in their dedication, intelligence, compassion, and effectiveness. It is those professionals whom IC&RC wants to recognize.
About the Award
The Prevention Professional of the Year Award seeks to honor the best of the best: the certified preventionist who best embodies the ideal of the profession and of IC&RC. The Prevention Committee of IC&RC will accept nominations from member boards, and then select the awardee from among the submissions.
About The Prevention Committee
Led by Marissa Carlton, MS, CPS and advised by Julie Stevens, MPS, ICPS, ACPS, and Sandra Del Sesto, M.Ed., ACPS, the Prevention workgroup of IC&RC leads the organization’s efforts to advance the profession of substance abuse prevention. Its work includes overseeing the Prevention Specialist (PS) exam, marketing the PS credential to member boards, potential certificants, and representing IC&RC at national and international prevention events.
About IC&RC
IC&RC is an international non-profit organization that promotes public protection by developing internationally recognized credentials and examinations for prevention, substance use treatment, and recovery professionals. Quality and integrity are the foundation of IC&RC’s work and all examinations are based on the latest research, evidence-based practices, and updated on a regular basis.