Addiction Consultant in Training Career Map

Addiction Consultant in Training (ACIT) is an entry level clinical addiction credential for individuals employed in the addiction treatment field, or enrolled as a college student in addiction treatment studies. 

CredentialAddiction Consultant in Training (ACIT)Addiction Consultant in Training II (ACIT II)
Previous EducationHigh School Diploma or equivalent certificateBachelor’s degree in social services field and/or have equivalent course work of 15 credit hours at the collegiate level (Equivalent work may include: psychology, sociology, anthropology, ethics, humanistic studies, communications)
Training6 hours of addiction counselor ethics, 6 hours of HIV education
Register for Training
6 hours of addiction counselor ethics, 6 hours of HIV education
Register for Training
Professional experience in Substance Use Treatment FieldCurrently employed in the substance use field OR college student pursuing a behavioral health degreeCurrently Supervised by CADAC II or higher professional.
ResidencyMust live or work 51% of the time in IndianaMust live or work 51% of the time in Indiana
FeesICAADA membership and Certification feeICAADA membership and Certification fee