Addiction Consultant in Training (ACIT) is an entry level addiction treatment credential for individuals employed in the addiction treatment field or enrolled as a college student in addiction treatment studies.  ACIT is a non-renewable credential and a steppingstone to other addiction professional credentials such as a CADAC.

ACIT Requirements

  • Employed in the addiction treatment field or a college student in behavioral science
Education and Training:
  • High school diploma or equivalency
  • Completion of six hours of addiction counseling ethics, six hours of HIV/AIDS training, and six hours of Cultural Competency training 

Education and training hours are defined as workshops, seminars, institutes, accredited college/university courses, and other accredited education delivered in-person or on-line. Education hours must be accredited by approved providers who are state or national organizations granted authority to accredit education for credentialing and licensing purposes. You must show a certificate of attendance/completion that lists who has accredited the course for education hours when submitting the hours for approval. One (1) contact hour of education is equal to sixty (60) minutes of continuous instruction. 15 contact hours are given for each college semester credit. Therefore, a college course of three (3) credits is equal to 45 contact hours. 

Register for your ACIT credential

Application steps are reviewed in the order they are submitted, and review may take up to 4 weeks. If you need technical support please use the Certemy support contact.

Issues with your Certemy account?

Phone No: 866-907-4088

Supporting documentation in the form of syllabus, course description, etc. may also be required to review content for acceptability. To be considered a valid training experience for the purpose of credentialing, education/training must be related to the knowledge and skill base associated with the performance domains outlined for this credential.

Code of ethics:
  • The applicant must sign, and agree to abide by the ICAADA Addiction Consultant in Training (ACIT) Code of Ethics
  • Candidate must live or work in Indiana at least 51% of the time
  • This credential is NOT renewable and is valid for 3-years
  • ACIT holders should be in preparation obtaining a CADAC credential.
  • Membership: $125
  • Certification: Member – $200 | Non-member – $400